East Kingdom Novice Day 2024 is coming…

The Shire of Rusted Woodlands welcomes one and all to the Second Annual East Kingdom Novice Day! This is the perfect opportunity for those newest to the Knowne World to showcase their talents. Those gentles that are better acquainted with our lands will be able to meet new people and share the experiences that keep them coming back for more.

Gold Key (loaner garb) will be available at Troll (check-in).

The wearing of regalia and personal heraldry is encouraged at this event. Newcomers will have the opportunity to find and learn about the regalia of awards (various Orders, Barons/Baronesses, Peers, etc).

10:00am Site Opens
10:30am Authorizations/Inspections begin
11:00am Classes begin
12:00pm Tournaments start
4:00pm Awards
4:30pm Shortest Court Ever
5:30pm A&S entries must be picked up
6:00pm Site closes

~ Novice Heavy Weapon Tournament: This tournament is open to gentles who have been authorized in Heavy Weapons for less than 2 years. Fighters will be able to authorize on the day and this will be the last opportunity to do so in order to fight at Pennsic. The heavy weapons tournament will be preceded by a procession of the combatants with their consorts/inspirations. If you do not have a consort/inspiration, please let the event staff know and we will do our best to find you one for the day.

~ Novice Fencers Tournament: This tournament is open to gentles who have been authorized in SCA fencing for less than 2 years. Fencers will be able to authorize on the day and this will be the last opportunity to do so in order to fence at Pennsic. The tournament will be run just like the Fencing Championship.

~ Novice A&S Display/Competition: CHANGE!! As the Arts and Sciences are an important and integral part of our Society there will be an A&S competition!!! This is open to all gentles who do not hold a Kingdom or Baronial level A&S award, nor have they won a major championship. There will be voting by both the Populace and by those gentles who have won Baronial or above level A&S awards. All entries must be picked up by 5:30pm.

~ Novice Archery Shoot: Try your hand or test your skill! This will be a five-station shoot with a heraldry theme.

~ Thrown Weapons: There will be thrown weapons. Stay tuned for details.

~ Classes: There will be classes. If you are interested in teaching something, please let us know!

Sussex Community College on Google Maps

Stay informed: follow the Novice Day Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1116410852742803

Since there will NOT be a dayboard or feast please come prepared (we will supply water). Bring your own food and drink (and cups if you can. Save the planet). An outside group has offered to sell box lunches. Price/Menu: TBA. There are numerous eateries in and around Newton, and a list of establishments will be available.

Dogs:  the site is dog friendly.  We are bound by the site’s restrictions:  Dogs must be on leashes at all times.  You must clean up after your dog; if it is witnessed that you don’t clean up, you will be reminded.  If it happens again or if you refuse to do so you will be asked to leave.  Please have dog collars with dog tags verifying vaccination status physically on the dog.  Ill-behaving dogs (e.g.  showing aggressive behavior, going after other dogs or people, scaring other people or animals on site, or chasing other animals, such as rabbits, squirrels etc.) will not be tolerated and the owner and the dog will be asked to leave site.  Campus safety officers will be easy to identify and their word will be final.

Please note that although we have use of the Pavilion, this event is primarily outdoors.  Bring appropriate sun protection and your own chairs.  Pavilions and sun shades are welcome to be set up around the perimeter of the Lists. Stakes are acceptable in this area.
*** Please Note: NO stakes of any length are permitted to penetrate the ground on the field (most of the grassy area available) due to the irrigation system.  The allowed area will be marked. ***

Registration Fees

PRICE REDUCTION!! $15 adult member/$15 adult non-member. A group of donors have pledged to cover the costs of the NMR surcharge (and donations will be accepted at Troll). $10 youths 13-17, children 12 and under are free. No reservations needed. We accept cash or check; we’re not set up for other methods of payment.

There will be no feast, and no dayboard is planned. 

Make Checks Payable to: Shire of Rusted Woodlands

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Sir Tanaka Raiko, (Hank Salvacion) hsalvacion@gmail.com

Send Reservations to:

no reservations required