Greetings unto the Shirefolk,

I am hoping that the winter will finally be quit of us, but it will likely be stubborn about it and throw a tantrum first. I had been a judge for the Kingdom Bardic Championship held early in February. It was a privilege to see those performances, and see two storytellers in their finest form, Taliesin Peregrinator and Estgar aet Hrofeceastre, become the Sovereign and Consort’s Champions respectively. 

I know that the Kingdom’s Arts & Sciences Championship event will be the first weekend in March, in the Barony of l’Ile du Dragon Dormant in the Principality of Tir Mara. I will not be in attendance, but will do my best to view the entries from a distance.

Closer to home, the next local meeting will be March 13th. We are going back to twice a month, every other Monday, in the basement hall of the United Methodist Church in Hawthorne. Our worthy Seneschale Sapphira the Navigator and I will be organizing classes with teachers close to us, and as soon as I learn what our good Princess Caoilfhionn wishes to have made for favors, at least one of those meetings will be making favors for the Queen-to-Be.

At the service of the Shire’s honor, I am,

M. Ana de Guzmán

Minister of Arts & Sciences, Rusted Woodlands

Poet Laureate, as it were

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