Missives from Maestra (1/12/25)

Greetings to the Shire,

I hope the Christmas, Hannukah, Yule and New Year holidays have been happy, and that the upcoming Lailat al-Miraj and the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake are also days well spent.

The darkest days of winter are behind us, but the time spent indoors can be put to use creating things, or learning new crafts. To that end, it is my great pleasure to announce that the Shire of Rusted Woodlands has an indoor space for arts and sciences activities once again:

Lakeland Universalist Unitarian Fellowship
231 Parish Drive
Wayne, NY 07470

Because we have potential new members from the church itself, I have prevailed upon the two gentles who taught a useful class at this past summer’s Novice Day: Beginning Measurements and How to Take Them. This will be taught by the Shire’s own noble Valentine Ambrose and gentle lady Ana de Roma from our neighbor to the north, the Shire of Midland Vale, on Monday 01/13/2025 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The suggested donation is $5.00. This is a lovely space, and we wish to do right by our hosts.

We would be meeting the 2nd Monday of each month at this location, and we will be planning beginning level classes at first for our potential new members, and refresher courses for some of us, truth be told.

Again, I hope the holidays were good to you all, and that the year ahead will bring good things.

At the service of your honors,
M. Ana de Guzman, OL 
Arts & Sciences Minister, Shire of Rusted Woodlands

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