Greetings to the Shire,
Our first in-person gathering at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hall in Wayne was a success. Twelve gentles (including the two intrepid instructors) attended to learn the basics of taking measurements to draft patterns for basic t-tunics. The instructors also provided useful handouts for applying those measurements to construct a variety of basic t-tunics.
The next gathering will be on Monday 02/10/2025 at 7:00 PM. The second installment of the basics of sewing and garb-making courses offered by the noble Valentine Ambrose and lady Ana de Roma will focus on Hand-Sewing Stitches and Technique, and making a pincushion. The teachers will supply the fabric, needles, and thread. Pupils need only bring their own scissors, preferably those dedicated for fabric cutting. No prior sewing experience is necessary.
As before, the address of the hall is:
Lakeland Universalist Unitarian Fellowship
231 Parish Drive
Wayne, NY 07470
We will also be discussing the possibility of having A&S gathering at the hall twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. There will not be classes at each of these days, but it would be a place for people to bring whatever they are working on, or just discussing projects. Again, the suggested donation is $5.00, as we wish to do right by our host.
Upcoming A&S Doings Hither and Yon:
As of this report, University of Atlantia’s winter on-line session has come and gone, and I noticed that local shirefolk and gentles from the surrounding area had made full use of it to attend and to teach. The AEthelmearc Virtual AEcademy is coming up, Sunday 02/16/2025 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST. If you wish to teach, the deadline to sign up to teach a class is Friday 02/07/2025. Click on this link for more information: I have a prior commitment (and I am still recovering from teaching in Virtual Atlantia), or I would be present.
The Sign of the Dancing Fox XXV: The Return of the Winter Fox has come back to our northern neighbor, the shire of Nordenhalle. If dancing moves you, hie you hence. Peruse the event website for details:
The coming spring at our neighbor to the south, the Barony of Settmour Swamp will be hosting the Crown’s Arts & Sciences Champions competition on 03/01/2025. See this link for competition entry and judge registration deadlines and event details:
At the tail end of March, the Swamp will be hosting Mudthaw XLIV on Saturday 03/29/2025. The A&S display challenge theme is “From the New World Comes.” How have the materials available from the new world inspired you and what did you create with it? See the event announcement for more details:
At the service of your honors,
M. Ana de Guzman, OL
Minister of Arts & Sciences, Shire of Rusted Woodlands
PS: The parking lot behind the hall is in the process of getting its lighting fixed. If you would, please bring flashlights for the brief walk to the entrance there.