Greetings to the Shire,
Again, my thanks to the good gentles Valentine Ambrose and Ana de Roma for teaching Hand-Sewing Stitches and Technique on February 10th. Eight gentles in all were present to benefit from learning the basics of this skill. The lady Ana concentrated on teaching the basic stitches to the majority of the attendees, while the noble Valentine had the attention of a few to learn how to create cloth buttons by sewing gathers on circles of cloth and pulling the gathers to. Good gentles also brought some light victuals and tea for our consumption before we all went home. My thanks to all who attended.
With the month of March comes the spring, and a current customary celebration of womankind. With that in mind, I would give the two good gentles a rest, and so I volunteer to teach a short class about Two Women Poet-Sages of Al-Andalus on Monday 03/10/2025. One of these sages I would go so far as to name the poetic ancestor of such trobairitz as Stéphanie de Nicholas, La Couturière Rapide, and Shakira bint Mebarak for her scorching verse of woman scorned! If you wish to learn more, feel free to attend. The class would start at 7:00 PM.
As this will be a short class, I will also be bringing some pattern-drafting paper to attempt to make a pattern for a future project, a dress to be worn for the next autumn and winter season. I also invite whosoever wishes to bring their own projects in whatever stage to work on at the long table this place has available.
The address, as before:
Lakeland Universalist Unitarian Fellowship
231 Parish Drive
Wayne, NY 07470
The second Monday of each month is set here for people to come by and work on projects, teach, or just socialize for a little bit. A discussion is in the works to set aside a second day within the each month to do the same, so that there will be two meetings each month. I will post that update once it is so confirmed.
Again, please bring $5.00 as a suggested donation so we may do right by our hosts.
Arts & Sciences Doings Nearby
The Barony of Settmour Swamp will be holding the Crown Arts & Sciences Championship this coming Saturday 03/01/2025. The deadlines have come and gone to register as competitor, displayer, or judge, but I encourage all interested to attend to see what riches of talent we have as a kingdom, and to support the time and effort of our artists and artisans. Here are the event details.
At the tail end of the month the Swamp will host its Mudthaw XLIV on Saturday 03/29/2025. The A&S display challenge theme is “From the New World Comes.” How have the materials available from the New World inspired you and what did you create with it? See the event announcement here for more details. I have a family commitment, or I would be there, with perhaps a short paper about Spanish poet Alonso de Ercilla, stationed in Chile, who was inspired by the Mapuche people’s brave fight against the Spanish to praise them. That may be a subject for another time.
At the service of your honors,
M. Ana de Guzman, OL
Minister of Arts & Sciences, Shire of Rusted Woodlands
PS: The parking lot behind the hall is in the process of getting its lighting fixed. If you would, please bring flashlights for the brief walk to the entrance there.