Author: Ana de Guzman

  • Missives from Maestra (02/23/2025)

    Greetings to the Shire, Again, my thanks to the good gentles Valentine Ambrose and Ana de Roma for teaching Hand-Sewing Stitches and Technique on February 10th. Eight gentles in all were present to benefit from learning the basics of this skill. The lady Ana concentrated on teaching the basic stitches to the majority of the…

  • Missives from Maestra (02/04/2025)

    Greetings to the Shire, Our first in-person gathering at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hall in Wayne was a success. Twelve gentles (including the two intrepid instructors) attended to learn the basics of taking measurements to draft patterns for basic t-tunics. The instructors also provided useful handouts for applying those measurements to construct a variety of basic…