Category: Demo Days
Sparta Renaissance Festival Demo!
Contact Georg (deputyseneschal@rustedwoodlands.eastkingdom) to join in!
Missives from Maestra (7/26/2024)
Greetings, Shirefolk, To those journeying out to Pennsic at the end of this week, I wish good and uneventful travels, and a sweet time in the Debatable Lands. As promised however, I am posting links to various events, virtual and otherwise, that would be of interest. For those not going to Pennsic: There is a demo…
Washington Township Library Demo
You are invited to join us for another demonstration!
Missives from Maestra (6/30/2024)
Greetings to the Shire, I said I would give credit where credit is due for the musicians who showed up to provide music for Novice Day. Lord Drustan of Old Stonebridges coordinated a bardic/musicians presence that was much appreciated. My thanks go to him, to Pan Mikhail Reubenovic Kopaczewski, and to one Úlfarr Gylðir. The virtual class…
Wanted! People who love the SCA!
Do you love the SCA enough to engage with people not in the Society? Can you describe or demonstrate what you love and what you do in the Society? Are you free any of these three weekends: September 9/10, September 16/17, and September 23/24? If the answer is yes, read on! As part of the…