Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!

Greetings to the Shire, It was brought to my attention that some gentles had not seen the poll regarding virtual Shire A&S gatherings until after the deadline of 02/23, so it is being extended until Friday 03/01/2024. I also wish to clarify that there is an in-person gathering in Sussex Boro every other Tuesday night. Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!

Belated News from January’s 5th Monday

On January 29th, a fencing tournament was held in our fair Shire. Best Death & Rose Champion (Most Deaths): Ramic Best Insult: Baron Nick Being our Light and Inspiration: Alger von Ze’ev Most Chivalrous: Percival Michaelson Rusted Woodlands Champion: Ellynor Redpath

Are You Ready?

This Saturday is 100 Minutes War XXXIII! For details, check the East Kingdom Events page, the announcement page, and/or the history page! In other exciting news: Fencing has a new meeting location! Check out this awesome flyer: Click here for Google Maps January 29th is a fifth Monday! We are looking for a site to Are You Ready?

Hawthorne Meeting Space

All good things must come to an end, as they say. August 28th will be the final meeting at the Hawthorne church. Come celebrate the past and discuss the future!

(Belated) A&S Novice Day Results

Greetings to the Shire, This was my first time running Novice Day’s Arts & Sciences display. The rain came down in varying degrees from mist to drizzle to downpour all day. At first I thought we would have only one entrant, but as the day progressed we ended with a total of eight, three out (Belated) A&S Novice Day Results

The End of an Era

Greetings to the Shire, By the end of June, the meeting place that we have had for at least as long as I have been living in the shire (a combined total of 12 years) will be closing for good. The officers of the shire are now exploring leads to find a new place to The End of an Era

A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán

Greetings to the Shire, The last meeting on April 24, I cut pieces for the Queen’s favors to be made, and gave some pieces and  pattern tracing paper along with the favor assembly instructions to our intrepid webminister after she had portioned the tracing paper. I had intended to start some on my own, and A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán