Missive from Maestra Ana

The first Arts and Sciences virtual gathering actually happened with little by way of hiccups. It was a small gathering, but we were able to discuss what subjects would be covered for future gatherings. The second gathering was also small, a relaxed session of realizing that showing stitches before a small camera was an awkward enterprise, so we discussed various projects and plans for the summer while we respectively embroidered a consort’s favor, or hand-sewed a kirtle, or finished a chiton before Quest this weekend.

We will have the second Magistra Isabeau D’Orleans Memorial Arts & Sciences competition this year, after all. The original scroll had not been finished when the first prize was won. I have recently heard from the woman who had generously given of her time and talent to make it. The original has been completed, it is being scanned and a test print being made. She will be making a dozen blank scrolls to be filled in with the names of the subsequent winners, and she assures me that the first of those blanks will be done before the upcoming Novice Day.

The format will be the same: There will be two sets of tokens, one for the populace and one for any visiting Laurels. Each gentle has one token to use to vote for their favorite. There will be a Laurel’s prize, a populace prize, and the overall prize. Documentation is not required, but it wouldn’t hurt.

Meanwhile, I will make a habit of posting Arts and Sciences happenings elsewhere, virtual and otherwise, and encourage gentles to make use of these events to learn new things or brush up on things already known.

In the kingdom to our south, the first weekend in June is the University of Atlantia’s Summer Session. The Saturday session June 8, 2024 is in person at the Barony of Bright Hills (Baltimore and the surrounding area). The Sunday Session June 9, 2024 is virtual, and there will be many interesting classes on offer. The only reason I will not be attending the virtual one as a student or a teacher is because I will be traveling at that time. You do need to register as a student for classes, however, and the deadline to register for those classes is midnight Wednesday June 5, 2024. Watch the University of Atlantia website (www.university.atlantia.sca.org) or go to their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/UniversityOfAtlantia) for details and updates.

West of us in Aethelmearc, the in-person Summer AEthelmearc AEcademy and War College will take place on Saturday June 15, 2024 in the Shire of Heronter (Jamestown, NY). It will consist of classes both peaceful and martial, along with food and space to just visit with each other. Details can be found here: https://aethelmearc.org/event/spring-aethelmearc-academy-2024/.

Quest for Wit and Wisdom XXXIX: The Quest for the Quill in the Barony of Settmour Swamp and War of the Roses XLIV in the Barony of Concordia of the Snows will be happening this weekend. Our shire is squarely in the middle between these two long-established events. I wish people a good journey to these, and a lovely time.

The following weekend in Aethelmearc, May 31 through June 02, 2024 is the Academy of St. Clare of Assisi VII: All Embroidery, All Weekend event hosted by the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Were I not having surgery that following Monday morning, I would be there. If you are inclined to explore the art of the needle, look here for details on the East Kingdom website: https://www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=4281

I’ll end this post back home in the Forest. The next virtual A&S gathering will be Wednesday 06/12 from 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM. By mutual consensus of the attendees of this last gathering, the subject of the next will be poetry, specifically the sestina: the structure, history, and use of the form itself, with a sample or two from period (in translation) or created in the Society at large. The closer we get to the day, I will post the links on the Shire’s Facebook pages as a reminder.

At the service of your honors,

M. Ana de Guzman

Minister of Arts & Sciences, Shire of Rusted Woodlands

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