Category: Fencing

  • Monday Updates

    Greetings, Woodlanders! I bring you updates on both Arts & Sciences and Fencing tonight. Arts & Sciences: Her Majesty’s Favors Maestra Ana de Guzman brought some blue linen, pattern tracing paper, scissors, a cutting board, and the image for the Queen’s Favor for Her Majesty Caoilfhionn. Cutting happened, and there are kits available. Contact Maestra…

  • Monday Fencing News

    In addition to a bevy of established fencers, two new fencers came to practice tonight! Sir Tanaka Raiko and Alger provided instruction in recommended safety equipment, basic movement, holding a sword, and blocking.

  • Watch this space!

    Coming soon: A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán Greetings, folk of the Shire, I strained my left Achilles tendon last week, so I shall be cancelling the upcoming Hawthorne A&S gathering on Monday 01/09 because those stairs would not do me any favors at this time. The following Monday 01/16 is the MLK holiday…

  • Monday Meetings!

    Tonight was bustling at the Hawthorne meeting site! Several sets of fencers kept everyone hopping in the lower room. Meanwhile, in the upper room, the title of Minister of Arts & Sciences now belongs to Maestra Ana de Guzman, as Kendrik D’Mer steps down after four years of excellent service! In other news, be sure…

  • Fencing Practice (9/26/2022)

    Tonight, along with fencing practice, we had lively, impromptu, solo and choral renditions of a variety of songs. (No bards were harmed in the festivities.) Open bouts under Sir Tanaka‘s watchful eyes in the main room. In the smaller room, basic drills and instruction with Thora (in the Golden Rapier tabard). Next week is the…

  • Tonight’s Fencing Practice

    Six fencers came out tonight to practice under Sir Tanaka’s watchful eyes. Will you join us next week?