Her Majesty’s Favor

Greetings to the Shirefolk,

I am hoping that whichever holiday you hold dear has been good and fulfilling for you. I have only just gotten a look at the details for Her Majesty Caoilfionn’s favor for her third reign, and am placing the link here:

Queen’s Favors on Google Drive

I have some blue linen, but I will check first whether it will match the DMC 824 shade mentioned. That said, the 04/10/2023 gathering is too soon after the holidays to have this project started, but I propose the 04/24/2023 to be the first of such meetings.

This is a brief excerpt of the design details. The what of the design is established, but the how is up to the artist:

For the time being, the meeting of 04/10/2023 is just to discuss the following one, and to think of other projects or classes to hold.

At the service of your honors,

M. Ana de Guzmán,

M0AS, Shire of Rusted Woodlands

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