100 Minutes War Thank You for Arts & Sciences!

Greetings to the Shire,

Because there was a request to have the Lucky Seven Largesse Challenge at 100 Minutes War this year, I forewent having an Arts & Sciences component. There were three gentles who took part in this challenge, and I heartily thank all three: Astraea of La Familia for the lovely native American beaded and porcupine quill jewelry, Kunigunda Chervona of Settmour Swamp for the well-crafted fibulae, and Nika of Carillion for the elegant copper wire rings. Please forgive me if I have misspelled your names.

There were also musicians who provided appropriate choral and background music: Mistresses Rufina Cambrensis and Deonna Von Aachen, Master John Elys, and Lady Siobhan the Harper. I also caught sight of another lady who had brought a guitar, but I was not able to see where on site she had set up to play, nor was I able to get her name. I do thank each of you for bringing your talent to the event and bringing listening pleasure to those who stayed in or around the great hall.

I would be remiss if I left our own Webminister Fenneke Jans, as said gentle set up a small card weaving loom and was busily creating some trim.

There was also a Heraldry consultation table that saw activity. My thanks to Diademe Herald Lady Slaine baen Ronain for providing the means for people to make submissions, and to Elmet Herald Mistress Alys Mackyntoich for providing the educational materials needed.

Once the frenetic activity of the winter holidays has come and gone, if we have not yet found a central location to replace the site we lost in Hawthorne, we’ll be setting up a Zoom account to have monthly virtual gatherings to have classes or show off ongoing projects.

May the coming holidays and new year be good to all of us.

M. Ana de Guzmán
Arts & Sciences Minister, Shire of Rusted Woodlands

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