Almost two weeks ago, I attempted to hold the Shire’s first virtual A&S gathering. I was unable to go in or let people in, and for this I beg forgiveness. I immediately went into the shire’s respective Facebook pages, let gentles know what happened, and perforce cancelled the meeting. Our intrepid webminister and I have since been going through what we need to do to make the next meeting actually happen. This would be on Wednesday 05/08/2024 1f you are so inclined, send an RSVP to no later than Friday 05/03/2204. With luck, we will have this happening.

If Google Meets actually work out, we’ll have it for at least the next six months’ worth of twice-monthly meetings.

For Arts & Sciences doings outside of the Woodlands, the Tournament of the Daffodils on Saturday 04/27/2024 in the Shire of Midland Vale north of us has this to say in their event announcement:
Calling all artists!  Spring is in bloom and we want to see how the change of season inspires you!  Consider what natural materials Spring may offer you or what sights come about in these warmer months, allow them to stir your creative minds and make something to display at our day of Daffodils.  This year we encourage color, warmth and nature in your submissions.  Come show and tell us all about your beautiful pieces of art!
  • Limit up to 3 pieces per person, only 1 required to enter.
  • 12:00pm:  Please set up your display at the designated table(s), follow the signage.
  • 2:30pm:  Voting.  This will be a populace competition, please stay with your items at this time.

Closer to home, the shire will be holding Novice Day once again, on June 22. I had recently put out a poll on the Shire Facebook pages because this site will be completely outdoors. I had asked if people were comfortable with bringing Arts & Sciences entries to a large pavilion if the weather turns out inclement.

I have since been told that the pavilion will be quite large, and there should be enough room to keep any rain out. So now I will have another poll, another set of questions to ask, so that the right amount to tables will be available to accommodate entries. Please fill out the poll here.

Thank you again for your patience.

At your service,

M. Ana de Guzman
Shire of Rusted Woodlands Arts & Sciences Minister

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