Missives from Maestra (6/30/2024)

Greetings to the Shire,

I said I would give credit where credit is due for the musicians who showed up to provide music for Novice Day. Lord Drustan of Old Stonebridges coordinated a bardic/musicians presence that was much appreciated. My thanks go to him, to Pan Mikhail Reubenovic Kopaczewski, and to one Úlfarr Gylðir.

The virtual class on Wednesday 06/26 contained three folk tales, two of the four Moroccan folk tales I told at the demo we had at the Louis Bay 2nd Public Library in Hawthorne on Saturday 06/29 . My thanks goes out to Lord Drustan for providing background music as I told the tales. My part of the demo session was meant primarily for children, so I wasn’t about to get into concepts such as the trickster at that time. We had two young boys show up for that story session, held in the story-time room at the library. It was lovely to see their eyes light up when they got the trick that the jackal was trying to play on the ewe. 

For those interested who could not attend the class, here is the PDF of that PowerPoint. (I learned two things during the plague, pattern-drafting and PowerPoint, why do you ask?)

Our good Seneschale Mistress Sapphira the Navigator also offered to teach dance at the demo. 

The good knight Pan Jan Janowicz Bogdanski and his esteemed wife Herrin Rosamund von Schwyz set up a fine display tent outside the library next to the heavy weapons demonstration held there. 

Sensei Tanaka Raiko made sure that those who practice the exquisite art of defense were also showing their mettle. 

Mein Herr Wilhelm von Freiburg also made sure people could see and wear his coat and coif of chainmail.

Lord Galen the Merchant brought his varied assortment of period games and taught gentles the finer points of Byzantine (circular) chess and backgammon. 

The noble Valentine Ambrose also brought yarn and taught people how to make small fobs for their keys.

Since folks are now well into Pennsic preparation mode, there will be no classes planned in the months of July or August, but I will be posting reminders of events happening in surrounding areas that would be of interest. Please watch this space for those listings.

At the service of your honors,
M. Ana de Guzman
Minister of Arts & Science, Shire of Rusted Woodlands

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