Sparta Renaissance Festival Demo!

Shire of Rusted Woodlands will be hosting THREE weekends of Tournaments & Bouts during our demonstration at the Sparta Renaissance Festival! 
Tournaments and Specialty Duels will be based on fighter attendance, so we ask that you register in advance. 

All pre-registered attendees will have FREE entry to the Faire and can walk the faire when not fighting. 


Fencing ~ Cut & Thrust - Heavy 

Dates: Sat 9/7, Sun 9/8 Sat 9/14, Sun 9/15 Sat 9/21, Sun 9/22 

*This is not an official SCA event. Garb is required.*

Combat schedule as it stands right now: 
fencing tourney at 11am 

heavy at 1pm 

cut and thrust at 3pm 

 One hour increments, classes and demos held between.

“Learn to fence” at 2pm 

All scheduled times are rigid to work around the faire schedule!

Contact Georg (deputyseneschal@rustedwoodlands.eastkingdom) to join in!

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