Tag: opportunity
Missives from Maestra (7/26/2024)
Greetings, Shirefolk, To those journeying out to Pennsic at the end of this week, I wish good and uneventful travels, and a sweet time in the Debatable Lands. As promised however, I am posting links to various events, virtual and otherwise, that would be of interest. For those not going to Pennsic: There is a demo…
More Updates!
Almost two weeks ago, I attempted to hold the Shire’s first virtual A&S gathering. I was unable to go in or let people in, and for this I beg forgiveness. I immediately went into the shire’s respective Facebook pages, let gentles know what happened, and perforce cancelled the meeting. Our intrepid webminister and I have since…
Update from the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister
Greetings to the Shire, With the coming of the spring (in fits and starts, apparently), let us dust off winter’s lethargy and get to the business of celebrating the new season, whether it be with new projects or attending events virtual and otherwise to learn new crafts or research the people who have inspired us in…
Upcoming Practices and Virtual Activities
Greetings unto the populace of the Shire! Fencing practices are up and running at the new location in Washington Township. Show up for an hour of concentrated fencing goodness on January 22, February 5, and February 19 at 8pm. (virtual) Known World Heraldic & Scribal Symposium is January 26-January 28 on Zoom and Discord. The…
Wanted! People who love the SCA!
Do you love the SCA enough to engage with people not in the Society? Can you describe or demonstrate what you love and what you do in the Society? Are you free any of these three weekends: September 9/10, September 16/17, and September 23/24? If the answer is yes, read on! As part of the…