Tag: populace
Missives from Maestra 9/15/2024
Greetings, Shirefolk, I hope those who went to Pennsic LI had a lovely time despite the rain and the humidity. Now that there has been time to recover from that annual pilgrimage, we can focus on new projects and arrange for new locations to have classes. Known World Cooks & Bards X over Labor Day Weekend…
Missives from Maestra (7/26/2024)
Greetings, Shirefolk, To those journeying out to Pennsic at the end of this week, I wish good and uneventful travels, and a sweet time in the Debatable Lands. As promised however, I am posting links to various events, virtual and otherwise, that would be of interest. For those not going to Pennsic: There is a demo…
Washington Township Library Demo
You are invited to join us for another demonstration!
2024 Novice Day: Arts & Sciences Recap
Greetings to the Shire, It was a scorcher of a day. The weather had also promised rain, and delivered toward the day’s end. Now that I know how well the wooden pavilion works at keeping out the rain, I am no longer so leery of holding future Arts & Sciences displays and competitions there. I…
A WORD GAME WITH NO RHYME(BUT PLENTY OF REASON) On June 12th, we gathered in Google Meet to learn about poetry! Maestra Ana de Guzman presented a short overview of the Sestina form (originally from 12th century Occitania), including examples. Warning: positively lewd innuendo included. Our next gathering will be on June 26th. See the…
Missive from Maestra Ana
The first Arts and Sciences virtual gathering actually happened with little by way of hiccups. It was a small gathering, but we were able to discuss what subjects would be covered for future gatherings. The second gathering was also small, a relaxed session of realizing that showing stitches before a small camera was an awkward enterprise,…
Update from the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister
Greetings to the Shire, With the coming of the spring (in fits and starts, apparently), let us dust off winter’s lethargy and get to the business of celebrating the new season, whether it be with new projects or attending events virtual and otherwise to learn new crafts or research the people who have inspired us in…
Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!
Greetings to the Shire, It was brought to my attention that some gentles had not seen the poll regarding virtual Shire A&S gatherings until after the deadline of 02/23, so it is being extended until Friday 03/01/2024. I also wish to clarify that there is an in-person gathering in Sussex Boro every other Tuesday night.…