A WORD GAME WITH NO RHYME(BUT PLENTY OF REASON) On June 12th, we gathered in Google Meet to learn about poetry! Maestra Ana de Guzman presented a short overview of the Sestina form (originally from 12th century Occitania), including examples. Warning: positively lewd innuendo included. Our next gathering will be on June 26th. See the THE SESTINA:

Missive from Maestra Ana

The first Arts and Sciences virtual gathering actually happened with little by way of hiccups. It was a small gathering, but we were able to discuss what subjects would be covered for future gatherings. The second gathering was also small, a relaxed session of realizing that showing stitches before a small camera was an awkward enterprise, Missive from Maestra Ana

Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!

Greetings to the Shire, It was brought to my attention that some gentles had not seen the poll regarding virtual Shire A&S gatherings until after the deadline of 02/23, so it is being extended until Friday 03/01/2024. I also wish to clarify that there is an in-person gathering in Sussex Boro every other Tuesday night. Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!

Web Notes

Are you in Rusted Woodlands? Are you doing awesome things that you want to share? Maybe you have a new weapon, you’ve just started learning something new, or you finally finished a project? Send pictures and/or descriptions to to share the joy!