Tag: rusted woodlands
Update from the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister
Greetings to the Shire, With the coming of the spring (in fits and starts, apparently), let us dust off winter’s lethargy and get to the business of celebrating the new season, whether it be with new projects or attending events virtual and otherwise to learn new crafts or research the people who have inspired us in…
Attention Fencers!
See the new Fencing Practice page for information about upcoming practices!
Arts & Sciences Poll Extended!
Greetings to the Shire, It was brought to my attention that some gentles had not seen the poll regarding virtual Shire A&S gatherings until after the deadline of 02/23, so it is being extended until Friday 03/01/2024. I also wish to clarify that there is an in-person gathering in Sussex Boro every other Tuesday night.…
Belated News from January’s 5th Monday
On January 29th, a fencing tournament was held in our fair Shire. Best Death & Rose Champion (Most Deaths): Ramic Best Insult: Baron Nick Being our Light and Inspiration: Alger von Ze’ev Most Chivalrous: Percival Michaelson Rusted Woodlands Champion: Ellynor Redpath
Upcoming Practices and Virtual Activities
Greetings unto the populace of the Shire! Fencing practices are up and running at the new location in Washington Township. Show up for an hour of concentrated fencing goodness on January 22, February 5, and February 19 at 8pm. (virtual) Known World Heraldic & Scribal Symposium is January 26-January 28 on Zoom and Discord. The…
Attention, Fencers!
Practice Dates and Times for January and February 2024! Current 2024 Dates! Monday 1/8/24 ~ 8-9pm Monday 1/22/24 ~ 8-9 pm Monday 2/5/24 ~ 8-9pm Monday 2/19/24 ~ 8-9pm $10 Donation Location: Bethany Community Center 605 Pascack Rd, Township Of Washington, NJ 07676 Important notes: Practices at this new location are initially going to be…
Youth Combat Practice (Hartshorn-Dale)
Our neighbors to the west, in the Shire of Hartshorn-Dale, have let us know that they have Youth Combat practice (for ages 6-16) every other Friday evening in the Pottstown area! The next practice will be on December 1st. Lady Janette, known as Eaj, is their youth marshal. Since this practice is just starting up,…
100 Minutes War Thank You for Arts & Sciences!
Greetings to the Shire, Because there was a request to have the Lucky Seven Largesse Challenge at 100 Minutes War this year, I forewent having an Arts & Sciences component. There were three gentles who took part in this challenge, and I heartily thank all three: Astraea of La Familia for the lovely native American…
Wanted! People who love the SCA!
Do you love the SCA enough to engage with people not in the Society? Can you describe or demonstrate what you love and what you do in the Society? Are you free any of these three weekends: September 9/10, September 16/17, and September 23/24? If the answer is yes, read on! As part of the…
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