Category: Novice Day
2024 Novice Day: Arts & Sciences Recap
Greetings to the Shire, It was a scorcher of a day. The weather had also promised rain, and delivered toward the day’s end. Now that I know how well the wooden pavilion works at keeping out the rain, I am no longer so leery of holding future Arts & Sciences displays and competitions there. I…
More Updates!
Almost two weeks ago, I attempted to hold the Shire’s first virtual A&S gathering. I was unable to go in or let people in, and for this I beg forgiveness. I immediately went into the shire’s respective Facebook pages, let gentles know what happened, and perforce cancelled the meeting. Our intrepid webminister and I have since…
(Belated) A&S Novice Day Results
Greetings to the Shire, This was my first time running Novice Day’s Arts & Sciences display. The rain came down in varying degrees from mist to drizzle to downpour all day. At first I thought we would have only one entrant, but as the day progressed we ended with a total of eight, three out…
The Shire of Rusted Woodlands welcomes one and all to the Tenth Annual East Kingdom Novice Day on June 24th, 2023!
This is the perfect opportunity for those newest to the Knowne World to showcase their talents. Those gentles that are better acquainted with our lands will be able to meet new people and share those experiences that have kept them coming back for more. Gold Key (loaner garb) will be available at Troll (check-in). The wearing…
A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán
Greetings to the Shire, The last meeting on April 24, I cut pieces for the Queen’s favors to be made, and gave some pieces and pattern tracing paper along with the favor assembly instructions to our intrepid webminister after she had portioned the tracing paper. I had intended to start some on my own, and…
If you have pictures or stories from 100 Minutes War / Novice Day, please send them to
Join us on Saturday!
100 Minutes War and Novice Day are this Saturday, and we are expecting nigh on a dozen Royals to be in attendance! Come for the fighting or for the displays! There will be both Peer and Populace votes for the Novice Day Arts and Sciences competition in the Main Hall, so show off your best…