Update from the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister

Greetings to the Shire,

With the coming of the spring (in fits and starts, apparently), let us dust off winter’s lethargy and get to the business of celebrating the new season, whether it be with new projects or attending events virtual and otherwise to learn new crafts or research the people who have inspired us in the scope of our hobby. The results of the polling for virtual Arts & Sciences gatherings are as follows:

  • 75% of the respondents prefer to meet on Wednesdays as opposed to Fridays.
  • 50% prefer to meet twice a month as opposed to once a month.
  • 50% also prefer to meet 7:30 – 9:00 PM as opposed to 8:00 – 9:30 PM.
  • 75% also prefer to use Google Meets.
All of that said, I shall propose these upcoming meetings for the month of April:
  1. Wednesday, April 10: 7:30 – 9:00 PM
  2. Wednesday, April 24: 7:30 – 9:00 PM
The first meeting will just be a “stitch and … kvetch” gathering, to see how this format will function. Have whatever you happen to be working on, and we can be crafting/learning/socializing. Please send an RSPV to moas@rustedwoodlands.eastkingdom.org no later than Friday 04/05 so I may send you the link to the meeting and know to expect you.
Something I should have brought up sooner: There are various “university” gatherings, virtual and otherwise, in this and nearby kingdoms. Whether you wish to attend or teach in these, here are some announcements regarding those. I’ll limit such posts to the kingdoms touching our borders, Aethelmearc and Atlantia, and to the baronies and shires closest to our borders as well. I’ll post snippets about these events/scholas/universities here as their dates and deadlines happen.
  • Across the rivers east of us, the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn will hold its Spring Schola on Sunday April 7, 2024. The event website: https://andub.eastkingdom.org/wordpress/spring-schola-2024/
  • The University of Atlantia Summer Session #116 is in person on Saturday 06/08/2024 in the Barony of Bright Hills, and virtual on Sunday 06/09/2024. The deadline to propose classes is Wednesday 04/10 at midnight. The registration deadline to attend will be much later. The website for more information: university.atlantia.sca.org.
I attended and taught at the virtual winter session of the University of Atlantia this past February (I had registered at the last moment). I can’t do the summer or fall sessions because of other commitments, but I recommended this University highly as a result of my experience. Dios mediante, I’ll attend and teach more sessions in 2025.
Until we can get an actual site to meet in person in the Shire’s eastern end, I look forward to meeting virtually.
At the service of your honors,
M. Ana de Guzman
Arts & Sciences Minister, Shire of Rusted Woodlands
Posted to both the Shire website and the Facebook page.

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