Category: events
Are You Ready?
This Saturday is 100 Minutes War XXXIII! For details, check the East Kingdom Events page, the announcement page, and/or the history page! In other exciting news: Fencing has a new meeting location! Check out this awesome flyer: Click here for Google Maps January 29th is a fifth Monday! We are looking for a site to…
Wanted! People who love the SCA!
Do you love the SCA enough to engage with people not in the Society? Can you describe or demonstrate what you love and what you do in the Society? Are you free any of these three weekends: September 9/10, September 16/17, and September 23/24? If the answer is yes, read on! As part of the…
(Belated) A&S Novice Day Results
Greetings to the Shire, This was my first time running Novice Day’s Arts & Sciences display. The rain came down in varying degrees from mist to drizzle to downpour all day. At first I thought we would have only one entrant, but as the day progressed we ended with a total of eight, three out…
Come one, come all! For 100 Minutes of all out WAR!
The Shire of Rusted Woodlands is delighted to invite the valiant warriors of The East Kingdom and elsewhere to test their mettle once again at 100 Minutes War! Event Date: November 18th, 2023 100 Minutes War XXXIII will include: Due to the popularity of this event, we do ask that all combatants be armored and…
The Shire of Rusted Woodlands welcomes one and all to the Tenth Annual East Kingdom Novice Day on June 24th, 2023!
This is the perfect opportunity for those newest to the Knowne World to showcase their talents. Those gentles that are better acquainted with our lands will be able to meet new people and share those experiences that have kept them coming back for more. Gold Key (loaner garb) will be available at Troll (check-in). The wearing…
A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán
Greetings to the Shire, The last meeting on April 24, I cut pieces for the Queen’s favors to be made, and gave some pieces and pattern tracing paper along with the favor assembly instructions to our intrepid webminister after she had portioned the tracing paper. I had intended to start some on my own, and…
Monday Updates
Greetings, Woodlanders! I bring you updates on both Arts & Sciences and Fencing tonight. Arts & Sciences: Her Majesty’s Favors Maestra Ana de Guzman brought some blue linen, pattern tracing paper, scissors, a cutting board, and the image for the Queen’s Favor for Her Majesty Caoilfhionn. Cutting happened, and there are kits available. Contact Maestra…
An Important Reminder from Magistra Audrye Beneyt
Please see the announcement on the East Kingdom Seneschal’s page regarding consent found here:
Watch this space!
Coming soon: A Missive from Maestra Ana de Guzmán Greetings, folk of the Shire, I strained my left Achilles tendon last week, so I shall be cancelling the upcoming Hawthorne A&S gathering on Monday 01/09 because those stairs would not do me any favors at this time. The following Monday 01/16 is the MLK holiday…
If you have pictures or stories from 100 Minutes War / Novice Day, please send them to
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